Thursday, February 9, 2012

birthday shoutout!!

i owe a few bday shoutouts... ok lets start! Happy Birthday to Shahrul Shair...

he is my student's brother but we are so close to each other.. n he called me Kak Long! i even called his mum.. mummy! a very helpful person.. slalu je teman bila aku perlukan bodyguard... rumah dia xjauh dr rumah aku.. now, dia dah kerja kat cheras so dah agk lama xjumpa dia... kinda miss him... apapun 5/2 genap usia shahrul 25 thn!! have a blast bro!! kak long akn selalu doakan smoga shahrul berjaya dalam hidup.. amin...

ok, next : for my little boyfie Amsyar Daniel who turns 3 on 7/2.... he's my Nephew... cepat betul dia membesar.. dan dia membesar bagai johan!!

last long week ada 3 event in a row maulidurrasul, chap goh mei & thaipusam... so one malaysia.. but bcoz of that i ve got the chance to go back to my hometown.. n memandangkan ani blum sambut lg bday with my family kitorg decide utk buat bday celebration utk 4 org family member terus!!!

My birthday : 26/1/1979 (33)
veen (sis in law) : 28/1/1981 (31)
Amsyar : 7/2/2009 (3)
atie (my sis) : 27/2/1983 (29)

So happy birthday to us... semoga diberkati Allah selalu... amin....

next bday shoutout is for my darling schoolmate : Fara Haslin Khalid... her bday arini 9/2 happy birthday beb! smoga cepat dapat jodoh n mmg aku trgelak bila tau cerita kau yg nak patah blk kl sebab tetiba blk kg ada khemah depan umah... hahaha lawakla babe but really aku doakan kau bertemu jodoh yg baik2 dgn segera.... stay cute as always!! mmmuuaahhh

okla sekian saja entry birthday shoutouts kali ni.. kalau ada yg trtinggal ampun ya!! till next time!

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Beanie Plex

Hellloooo.... how r u readers? ok, i have one short story to share with u here... last weekend, i wanna spent some quality time with my loved one since my sister dah blk kg n tinggalkan aku kat subang hehehe...

i told my cinta i wanna watch movie n this time i wanna try the new beanie plex @ sunway pyramid... he was not that excited bout the idea ( sbb masa nak beli tiket tu dia kena bratur panjang! ) at last we got the 1120pm ticket for the movie contraband.. yeay!!!!

ok... beanie plex! what is beanie plex... drpd nama dia je kita dah tau dah ni mesti ada kena mengena dgn bean cushion... yup, klu gold class movie kita duduk kat seat yg bole baring2 tu.. beanie plex tu kita duduk dkt seat bean cushion.. seat dia mmg buat utk couple.. so duduk mmg dua2.. (hmm lg senang nak buat maksiat laa nmpknya) dpt gmbrkan x? ok jap post pic dulu..

alamak, sorry for the bad quality pic.. my b segan nak amik gmbr! tp camnila.. haa leh gmbr kan x??

keseluruhannya.... sumthing new to try.. harga tiket cuma rm19/pax so sgt2 reasonable.. wpun dia xsediakn selimut n bantal like a gold class movie but ia agk selesa n we got the privacy n our own Space.. cool huh?? for the place i'll give 4/5 stars.. for the movie i'll give 3 1/2 stars.... weeee....

this is my happy face before the movie...

and this is my face n the empty sunway pyramid after the movie..

.... hehehe.. will stop here first.. do waif for my next entree...

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Maulud Nabi...

Salam Maulidurrasul semua....
arini 5 februari 2012 merupakan 12rabiulawal.. maulud nabi.. marilah kita sama2 berselawat ke atas nabi.. tanda kita cintakan rasulullah.... kadang2 benda baik, bunyinya mudah nak dilakukan... tp ramai antara kita susah nak melaksanakannya... mcm tulah manusia ni... kita xsedar kita selalu trmkn dgn bisikan syaitan... perkara wajib spt solat 5 waktu pun kadang2 diremeh2kan... ini peringatan utk diri sendiri gak.. aku pun ada masanya agk liat gak kdg2 utk solat awal2... (jgn contohi itu ya!)... hari mulia ini aku menghabiskan masa di rumah melakukan tugasan sbg seorg isteri....
menemankan en suami mmbuat kerja yg x henti... adikku balik Batu Pahat and kami tinggal berdua weekend ni.. so shud spent some quality time together.. anyway, i'll catch the first flight to JB.. cant stand to be alone for 2 days.. lagipun dapat pahala jika kita melihat wajah ibu dan bapa kita.... so i'll write again soon... take care! ayuh kita berselawat...

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Friday, February 3, 2012

oNe of the gooD days

2nd Feb : today is one of my feeling gud days.... ;) started my day with smile... doing activities inside class as early as 730am n got a gud response from da students boost up my spirit even more.... then, having an informal discussion bout some issues with the boss made me feels gud too... she sent a good vibe to me in a way.. n without me realising it... kinda salute her in a way... think i'll write one entry bout my boss some other time.. ;) ok... wat else... hmm did a few counselling session with students today... managed to settle a few task.... n oooh td dlm lebih kurang 130pm... i was still bz discussing things with my beloved prs... one of my 2010 former student came to visit me!!! its my darling boy Yong Hui..... he's one sweet boy that used to be closed with me since he was in form 2 n now there he was so matured n still cute n sweet! he said he wanna give me a bday treat... since he didnt bought any present for me.... since kak mona n kak myra ( geng jln2 cr mkn) have to attend meeting n i m all alone at that time i agreed.., we went to Village Park Damansara Jaya (the famous nasi lemak place - i've bewn there once with nadia) i feel so blessed to have this kind of students.... it really touches my heart... n i still remember the 14yr old boy while looking at this 19yr old cute guy infront of me... trharu sungguh! anyway thank you Yong hui... i love u! n i'll pray may all the gud things be with u alwiz... ;')

and oooh nasi lemak ayam goreng kat village park tu mmg trbaikla!!! maybe nnt leh tulis satu entry bout that place lak ya...

hmm its nearly 330am.. oooh my i sleep late again!! till my cute lil fingers meet the keyboard again.. ;)

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

first bday shoutout in feb

helloo again.... its nearly 130am and i m not yet sleep.... this is my first attempt to post entry in my blog using this blogpress ( i ady dwnload this app for quite sumtimes but never make any effort to try it out) so i'm welcoming february!!! its the month of love..... and bulan ni la yg paling byk sekali bday..... so expect me to do alot of bday shoutouts this month ya... today 2nd Feb its my faraway best friends : Azean Mark's bday.... yeay!!! kita sebaya suda... kau cuma muda 7 hari jak dari aku... hahahaha so yan, u bday pressie will be on its way soon ya...... i hope u have a blessed wonderful year.. we have this unique wonderful kinof frenship.. hope this will last forever... be a wonderful mom like always... ( oooh now i really want to hold baby wafa so much ) aku akn selalu doakan yg baik2 saja utk kau.. happy bday to u once again besties...... mmmmmuuaaahhhhhhh ......

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woot woot....

Hello!!!! its been a year... again! year by year.. awal tahun saja i'll open my blog n write this sentence... n xsamapai separuh tahun .. senyap je dari page blog aku ni?? agak2 kenapala tu semua terjadi ya?? nak kata xde benda nak share.. i have a lot of things to share!! i mean alots!!!!! nak kata xde internet... i have unifi at home and i do have internet connection wherever i go... so kemudahan internet bukanlah masalahnya... aku juga rasa aku punya banyak masa... yg dihabiskan utk bershopping, mengupdate facebook dan twitter dan juga menonton cerita korea.. Haaa cerita korea... ok yg tu nnt aku post dalm entry yg lain ya... apapun entry pertama di tahun 2012 ni.. sepatutnya menjadi entry pengenalan n comeback entry.. dan aku akan pastikan diri aku ni lebih komited utk menulis dan berkongsi apa sahaja yg terlintas utk tahun ni.. kita tunggu dan lihat saja ya.... ;)

rasanya dah agak terlambat utk mengucapkan selamat tahun baru... so selamat bulan februari la dari aku untuk semua yg setia membaca...

wait for my next entry ya...